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    Due to the complexity of our formulations, the seasonality of our ingredients and the production process, these contribute to the differences in appearance once the Bovilove product has been reconstituted. Mixing the powder with water that is too cold or too hot may result in lumpy product that has not fully dissolved, and may also result in some residue on the walls of cups/glasses. 

    For optimum results it is recommended that you use lukewarm water. Around 30-40℃. You can use a thermometer.  If you don’t have one handy, lukewarm water can be tested on your inner forearm by just applying a few drops and it should feel very comfortable.  Remember your body temperature is around 36℃. 

    Bovilove with the assistance of The University of Sydney, a research university in Australia, jointly develop the special nutritional formulations of our products. Only once both teams are happy with the nutritional breakdown of the formulations and whether these meet the needs of the different people who would consume them, do we then start the manufacturing process.

    Yes, each product would have its own specific preparation method.  Please be sure to follow the preparation guidelines provided on the packs.  You can also see the different methods in our website for each of the products.

    Feeding guides on pack are provided as a guide. Consumption patterns can vary therefore discuss these with your healthcare professional.

    Ideally, our products should be prepared just before consumption. If preparing in advance, it must be refrigerated and used within 24 hours. Any left-over or any feed left at room temperature should be discarded immediately.

    Our products are made in Australia in accordance with the ACCC Country of Origin Labelling requirements.  You will note on the pack and on our website the breakdown % for each of our products and the Triangle with the Kangaroo logo.

    Please see your healthcare professional as a first port of call if you are feeling unwell.

    Bovilove does not contain any preservatives, flavors and other food additives.

    Phosphatidylserine is a chemical that is present in the human body. The body can make phosphatidylserine, but most of what it needs comes from foods. Phosphatidylserine is an important chemical with widespread functions in the body. It is part of the cell structure and is key in the maintenance of cellular function, especially in the brain.

    Bovine colostrum is a milky fluid that comes from the udder of cows the first few days after giving birth, before true milk appears. This fluid contains proteins called antibodies. These antibodies may fight bacteria and viruses that cause diseases.

    Fructo-oligosaccharides are used as prebiotics. Don't confuse prebiotics with probiotics, which are live organisms, like lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces, and are good for your health. Prebiotics act as food for these probiotic organisms

    Currently FOS are increasingly included in food products and infant formulas due to their prebiotic effect stimulate the growth of non-pathogenic intestinal microflora. Their consumption increases faecal bolus and the frequency of depositions, while a dose of 4-15g/day given to healthy subjects will reduce constipation, considered one of the growing problems of modern society, and newborns during the first months of life.

    2020 Bovilove Australia, All Rights Reserved. The content of this website, including but not limited to our main brands Bovilove and Bovilove are protected intellectual property of Bovilove Australia.